Montior your cash position and overall business performance so nothing slips through the cracks

On Day 1, select your package(s):

This package will accurately forecast cash in and out of your business over the coming months. Know if you’ll have enough cash to cover your expenses or if you can afford to invest more

1. Cash Flow Management

This package will allow you to set your budget and compare actual performance to budgeted performance throughout the year. Know what’s working and whats not in your business

2. Monthly Reporting

Once you select your package(s), Kandui commence building your model(s) at $0.00 cost to your business

On Day 14, Kandui will send you:

  • Prepare initial business cash forecast

  • Alert your to potential cash shortfalls

  • Formulate your ongoing cash management strategy

  • Play out differnt ‘what-if’ scenarios

1. Cash Flow Model

  • Set your intial budget for the year ahead

  • Re-budget as market conditions change

  • Run unique scenarios to assess strategic initiatives

  • Test sensitivities and impending marketing conditions

2. Group Financial Model

$0.00? Years of working with comparable industry leading businesses means most of the heavy lifting is already done

Each Month, Kandui will send you:

A report outlining your businesses cash position for the periods ahead:

Short-term cash forecast:

In 30 days time

Medium-term cash forecast:

In 60 days time

Long-term cash forecast:

180 days or greater

1. Monthly Cash Forecast

A report comparing actuals vs. budget so you can monitor performance over time. This report is typically made up of 3 components:

Current month performance

Year-to-date performance

Revised budget

2. Monthly Reporting Package

We charge a fixed fee per month for preparing, analysing and refining your businesses cash flow management and monthly reporting

Montior your cash position and overall business performance

If you’d like to discuss further, please leave your email and we’ll be in touch

Or reach out via email to: